For like 2 days, I've been casually slapping together a perl script to do ANSI artwork. At first I thought to just embed the ANSI directly in the file. Then per @s3c's suggestion to automate it, I realized it needed work. So instead of getting messy with the sigil '$' character (Such as $A$B$C which was my original intention), just regex substitute each character from an external file. I've updated it just now to allow comments. So if you like ANSI artwork, this might be cool to check out. It's very simple in design, nothing impressive, but gets the job done. It turns this:
# This is a comment. Everything beyond it including the pound sign is ignored. 222222333333333 1555555#6789ABCDEF FFFFFE#1235677444444444 # Notice how this is not shown. ABCDEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF1111#4444444
into this:
Note that blank lines are also printed as well. I don't consider this to be an issue honestly. I thought this was a good learning experience from it all. The link is here.